Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Malabar Mappila - History

Mappila - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "The Arab, Greek and Jewish contact with Malabar existed from at least the 10th century BC. This contact became predominant in the post-Roman period. Therefore the history of the Mappilas goes back to the Pre-Islamic period. In the Gazetteer of Bombay Presidency, Khan Bahadur Fazlullah Faridi, mentions the settlement of pre-Islamic Arabs in Chaul, Kalyan Supara and Malabar Coast and Arab merchants passing along the Coromandel Coast on their way to China.
One Uppukutan Mappila appears in the legend of Parayi Petta Pandiru Kulam, (The Twelve Tribes Born to a Paryai) and he is said to have lived in 378 BC. Ouwayi, who through extreme devotion made the goddess of Kozhikode appear before him, was a Jonaka Mappila.
It was with the advent of Islam that the Arabs became a prominent cultural race in the world. The Arab merchants and traders now became the carriers of the new religion and they propagated it wherever they went. When Islam spread among the Arabs, the Arab traders brought it to Malabar during the time of the Prophet Muhammad. Francis Day’s assumption that the first settlement of the Muslims on the western coast took place sometime in the seventh century strengthens this view. George Sarton says in his Introduction to the History of Science that the most outstanding event of the seventh century was, of course, the explosion of Islam throughout Arabia and parts of Africa and that it might have reached the Malabar coast during those early days.
In Malabar, the Mappilas may have been the first community to come to the fold of Islam because they were more closely connected with the Arabs than others. Intensive missionary activities took place on the coast and a number of natives embraced Islam, joining the Mappila community. Thus among the Mappilas, we find descendants of the Pure Arabs, the descendants of Arabs through"

Thursday, July 23, 2009

This HelloWorld program to java world

We can step into the world of java by this simple program
  1. class JavaDemo{
  2. public static void main(String Args[])
  3. {
  4. System.out.println("HelloWorld!");
  5. }
  6. }
  • Line1: Every java program starts with class keyword and followed by user defined class names
  • Line2:
    * public: The method can be accessed outside the class / package
    * static: You need not have an instance of the class to access the method
    * void: Your application need not return a value, as the JVM launcher would return the value when it exits
    * main(): This is the entry point for the application
  • Line 3: curly braces opens here or just immediately after method name
  • Line4 : Printing the String constant into the console
  • Line5 : close the bracket for method
  • Line 6 : close the bracket for class JavaDemo
In order to run this program you have to compile this program into bytecode by the command ->javac JavaDemo.java
And Run the program by typing the below command
-> java JavaDemo
You can see the following output

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J2EE Its really VAST but not WASTE :)
I cant say while updating this blog, how many new components being adding to the J2EE stuff or how many component's version number changing in upward or downward.. Really it is saying by the geeks that we are in the changing world. Really technology changing in fast pace. But if we simply say, this list for j2ee is huge still growing never shrinking.. You have to update yourself in the newest technologies to stay in this stardom. Naming few here in the following list. By clicking on the individual item you can get a birds-eye-view of the related technology.
  • JAVA
  • JSP
  • Servlet
  • JSF
  • Struts
  • Hibernate
  • EJB
  • JMS
  • JDBC
In addition to this a J2ee developer have to be well versed in the technologies related fundas design pattern, XML, Application/web servers and many many more. I think everybody scared of being in to the java technology by seeing this list. Instead of they being into .net or database and many more.

follow me on twitter::http://twitter.com/shamsudeen